Aug 6, 2008

K4 gallery show

When I first got back into photography, I always thought it would be cool to be part of a photo exhibition or show. Well, it's happening. Fellow Photodudes Ferry Keizer, Bruce Snell, Michael Snell and myself will have a collective show at the Muchnic Gallery in Atchison, KS. We call our group "K4 – Four Kansans view of the world." Ferry designed the nifty new logo and postcards.The show will feature 40+ photographs of our work.

Choosing photos and framing options was much harder than I thought it would be. Choose photos I really like? Or photos that might actually sell? Luckily, some of my final choices fell into both categories. Regardless of the financial success/failure of the show - it will be another terrific experience. Plans are to continue showing in Lawrence and Topeka. For our next show(s) we hope to include other Photodude friends with their unique view of the world, too.

We hope to see you there for the opening on August 22. (insert shameless promotion here) And if you make the trip, you might as well buy something, right? Here's a preview of photos I will be showing.

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